《我的青春期》是一部由马克·匹兹纳斯基 斯科特·怀南特 Todd Hollan执导,克莱尔·丹妮丝 贝丝·阿姆斯特朗 汤姆·埃尔文主演的一部剧情类型的电影,文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众 观后感
电视剧 我的青春期|《我的青春期》经典影评10篇


  《我的青春期》是一部由马克·匹兹纳斯基 / 斯科特·怀南特 / Todd Hollan执导,克莱尔·丹妮丝 / 贝丝·阿姆斯特朗 / 汤姆·埃尔文主演的一部剧情类型的电影,文章吧小编精心整理的一些观众的影评,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《我的青春期》影评(一):My so called life

  看这部剧之前看了怪胎与书呆,两部剧其实有相像的地方,都是女主疏离了旧朋友,找到了新朋友,遇到了自己的男神。但其实又是不同的,my so called life充满了sadness,但是又让人觉得hopeful,Angela跟男神jordan在一起了,而Lindsay却没有,其实看到最后,男神也不过是普通人,jordan其实根本就不会写诗,Daniel其实也是会去打肿脸充胖子,我们印象中的男神应该是不会担心任何事,做任何事都是那样潇洒,然而他们也会去担心成绩,除了他们的脸,其他的一切是如此的普通,但这就是reality.Reality是我们就像Lindsay一样不会跟自己的男神在一起,像Angela一样盘旋在家庭与学校的束缚中。


  y the way,少爷好帅啊

  《我的青春期》影评(二):Random thoughts, about love, about youth

  Well, this is not a drame review seriously, just some random thoughts.

  I"ve always loved all those perceptual things, like a movie with sensitive narrator. That‘s where it captured me, this TV serial. That red haired heroin, not so pretty but has her own unique style, I love her words, those over-sensitive but impressive and expressive words. But the most import reason for me to follow this serial, is that it kind of pulls me in, it reminds me of my own high school days, my own struggle and my own terribly sweet and painful obsessions I used to have but have forgotten for so long a time.

  quot;You are so beautiful that it hurts to just look at you." Angela told this secretly at heart to Jordan Catalano. Yeah, Jordan Catalano, that incredibly good-looking young man played by an extremely handsome Jared Leto. I can"t give much credit to Jared’s acting skill actually, he"s so much more of a singer than an actor in my humble opinion. But still he reminds me of my own beautiful disaster. Nothing compares to those subtle feelings you have for someone which you can only have when you are in your youth. I"ve never done any crazy things in my life, and I don"t have a friend like Rayanne, but I do have felt every bit Angela felt for Jordan.

  That boy was shining like the sun, that boy held so much attention, that boy was handsome and tall and thin and good at all kinds of ball games, that boy was everything I ever dreamed of. That boy was from another class, and I was not even sure he actually knew me though he did add me on QQ and I didn"t even know why. I talked so much about him, I felt so nervous when he was around, I acted so wierd to try to catch his eyes, every poem I wrote was about him. I can"t write any poems now, but my works used to be ranked highly by my English and Chinese teachers. Words cannot describe young love at this age, when I could be so emotional. When he smiled, the whole world in front of me was lightened. And if I didn"t see him for days, the sky turned grey. When suddenly he rang me a phone call, I felt like I was living in heaven. When he didn"t show up where he said he would, I felt so insulted and told myself to get over him once and for all. But no matter how many times I tried, it never really worked. He was part of my life, my so called high school life.

  The moment he told me he liked me was so unreal, I couldn"t believe it. It was all of a sudden and I"ve never prepared for a situation like this. Our first date was like a dream, I was like Cinderella fearing when the time came everything would just vanish. I almost fainted when I got home, I was lying on my bed, exhausted, "cause he took all the strengths from me. When he kissed me it was like a dream came true, I could feel his heart beating so fast, his breath with so much passion, and his eyes with so much affection.

  I don"t wanna talk about what happened later, the story could be so much better if it just ends up here. Just like 【My so called life】, it dosen"t need a second season or more seasons to make it only worse. Those emotions only belong to those days, and those days only belong to memories. When I met him 10 years later, I knew nothing ever stays the same. Something glimmered in his eyes was telling he missed those good old days too, I still couldn"t turn him down when he said he needed a little company for a while, even though it was a bit late at night. He drove me to the old school which reminded me of so many things, on the way back he asked me about a letter, a X"mas card actually. He asked me again if I wrote that, I never admited it was me. Don’t know why I felt a bit moved, he never forgot, through all these years. Suddenly I felt this impulse to kiss him, to kiss him goodbye for the last time. I am kind of wondering what would happen if I did kiss him that night, maybe finally I"ll have the gut to do a crazy thing, to take him back and marry him.

  ut I didn"t. So memories stay memories, yesterday never becomes tomorrow, no miracle no fairy tale.

  My life goes on.

  ut my so called life, it"s gone forever.

  《我的青春期》影评(三):Soulful Hunk or Empty Cipher


  A lot of guys hate Jordan because he"s beautiful. And you have to admit, he doesn"t do much to convince anybody that he"s a secret genius in disguise. My favorite Catalano moment is at the beginning of the New Year"s Eve episode, where all of the characters are shown thinking about their New Year"s resolutions--Angela vows to be less introspective, Ricky to find a place to belong, Rayanne to quit drinking, Patty to be less critical, Mr. Katimsky to give up coffee--and then they cut to Jordan, alone in his car at a stoplight, looking up as the light turns green and thinking "Wait a minute...Isn"t tonight New Year"s Eve?" It"s quintessential Catalano--Jordan is too clueless, or out of it, to realize that he"s in the middle of a major holiday, and also probably too preoccupied to care. The way you read him depends on your proclivity towards giving a hunk a break, something which a lot of people remain unwilling to do. Me, I"m kinda in the middle on this one. Jordan is gorgeous, there"s no denying that. And he is undeniably stupid, or rather, he"s "a rudimentary reader with low literacy skills" (thanks, Brian). So, o.k., maybe he"s not stupid so much as disadvantaged. Remember, we learned in the Christmas episode that his father used to beat him up when he was a kid. Pretty heavy stuff for this mostly-bourgeois world to handle, and something that Angela probably doesn"t even know about. Jordan Catalano never says much (I used to wonder if it was because Jared Leto was simply a lousy actor) and when he does it"s usually to express some kind of basic observation (to Patty: "Do you always wear so much makeup?") or primal need ("Wow...Food!"--another classic Catalano moment, uttered when he comes over to Angela"s house late one night while she"s fixing a sandwich in her kitchen). I actually think that there"s a lot more to Jordan than the writers have been willing to reveal to us, mostly because we"re having so much fun laughing at those Catalano moments that we don"t want to take him seriously, just yet.


  I do know why guys like Jordan cause such a stir in so many women"s (and men"s) hearts--lean in, O jealous ones, and I will reveal what all the fuss is about. The reason why Angela loves Jordan, and why women always seem to fall for dudes like Catalano, is precisely because he makes it so easy for us to project all of our fantasies about men and maleness onto him. Jordan is both soulful hunk and empty cipher, or rather, he"s a soulful hunk precisely because he"s a cipher for girlish fantasy (and remember, you don"t have to be a girl to be girlish!). Let me relate a personal memory to you in order to illustrate my point.

  A couple of summers ago, I met and fell in love with my own "Jordan Catalano" while Eurailing across Europe (think of this story as a cross between "My So-Called Life" and Before Sunrise). His name was David, and he was the most zen-like, peaceful personality I have ever encountered. He actually looked a lot like Jared Leto"s brother, who played Jordan"s asshole friend in the "Buffalo Tom/Jordan holds Angela"s hand in public" episode. David had Jordan"s almost shoulder-length, brown, and oh-so-soft hair, and he was tall and lanky-skinny just like Jordan. Remember the episode where Angela and Jordan break up, and Angela, crying, tells Jordan "I"m going to miss your hair...the way it"s so soft in the back..." ? That part really got to me, because I, too, had such a thing about David"s hair. It was indeed super silky and soft, in a way that I"d never imagined a boy"s hair could be. I remember telling David how much I loved it one night, pulling out his ponytail and feeling his hair falling like water against my face and lips and hands. He was so beautiful, but not in that prettified way that I can"t stand. No, David was a little bit street-worn. I could see it in his eyes and also in the way that he touched me, which was way different from how my preppy, blond, parent"s-dream-of-an ex-boyfriend had.

  David had this groovy calm going that I have never seen in another person. It was like, we didn"t even need to talk (or so I thought) because he was so at peace with the stillness of every moment, like that was enough. We didn"t need to fuck it up with meaningless words and casual conversation. Not only did I admire this guy and crave him, I wanted to be him! To feel that peaceful inside myself, all of the time. This person, I thought, definitely has it all going on. We met in Amsterdam and traveled to Prague, Italy, the South of France and Barcelona together. In all, I knew him for less than six weeks.

  ut you see, David, like Jordan, was ultimately a beautiful illusion. And part of his elusiveness is that, to this day I don"t even know which part of him was illusion and which part was real!! All I do know is that, little by little, I started to realize that a lot of his zen-like charm came from being stoned on hashish nearly 24 hours a day, which is also why he was always so silent, and probably the reason he kept going off by himself (a puzzling trait which nevertheless made him even more cool and desirable to me). That sexy sense of distance he kept between himself and others, I soon found out, was also partially due to the fact that he had just gone through a divorce--and the guy was barely out of college! But in my blind desire to worship him at all costs, I stubbornly ignored all of the signs telling me that this was never going to be a long-term thing, even when he basically told me this right to my face. When we finally parted ways I was so sick with longing for him I could barely breathe without assistance. I remember, the night before he left, I dreamed that white wolves were surrounding me, snarling and tearing away at my face and my clothes. I jerked myself out of my dream with a muffled scream, which of course failed to arouse David from his sweet, stoned sleep.

  The final epilogue to this story, in fitting tandem with my Angela-Jordan analogy, is that I, like Angela, received a letter from the elusive one a couple of months after we both returned home. I"m embarrassed to admit that I still have it, and probably will never throw it away. It"s my proof, you see, that the whole thing actually happened. That he had realized that I was there beside him all along. That I didn"t just dream this person up out of a traveller"s loneliness. What he wrote in the letter doesn"t matter, really. What"s important is that he wrote it, and that, for whatever reason, be it the truth or just pity, he told me that the times we travelled together were some of the best parts of his trip. He wrote me from a coffee shop that he described as "tragically hip." He"d spelled it "hipe."

  o, my friends, maybe this illustrates just a teeny bit the power of a Jordan Catalano, and of all empty ciphers masquerading as soulful hunks. Maybe soulfulness requires a certain degree of emptiness. Maybe people like Angela, who are always searching for the depths of a person"s soul, invariably get sucked into the world of those with a kind of bottomless emptiness just waiting to be filled by someone else"s complicated desires. Who knows? I do know that Angela will probably always love Jordan, and I can guarantee you that she"ll never, never forget him. Even today, re-reading my letter is like ripping a wound from its safe envelope of skin. It"s been like, three years or something and I can still cry when I read his words and the "love, Dave" he wrote at the end.

  In fact, I"m crying right now.




















  The Fable

  Once upon a time there lived a girl

  he slept in the lovely little cottage

  Made of gingerbread and candy

  he was always asleep

  One morning she woke up

  And the candy had mould on it

  Her father blew her a kiss

  And the house fell down

  he realised she was lost

  he found herself walking down the crowded street

  ut the people were made of paper

  Like paper dolls

  he blew everyone a kiss goodbye

  And watched as they blew away

  Once upon a time there lived a girl

  he slept in the lovely cottage

  Made of gingerbread and candy

  he was always asleep

  One morning she woke up

  he woke up

  《我的青春期》影评(五):是梦境 与我为邻。





  e1 pilot

  You’re so beautiful. It hurts to look at you.

  e2 Dancing in the Dark

  If Jordan Catalano is, like, nearby, my entire body knows it.

  We both stopped talking. Part of his sleeve was touching my arm. I don"t know if he knew. Then everything started to seem perfect for some reason. The feel of his shirt against my elbow, the fact that I still had an elbow.

  e3 Guns and Gossip

  It"s amazing the things you notice, like the corner of his collar that was coming undone. Like, he was from a poor family and couldn"t afford new shirts. That"s all I could see. The whole world was that unraveled piece of fabric. (深有感触~)

  e4 The Zit

  ometimes it seems like we"re all living in some kind of prison, and the crime is how much we hate ourselves. It"s good to get really dressed up once in a while, and admit the truth -- that when you really look closely, people are so strange and so complicated that they"re actually...beautiful. Possibly even me. (结尾的话很动人。困扰我们的)

  e5 Father Figures

  e6 The Substitute

  e7 Why Jordan Can"t Read

  Love is when you look into someone"s eyes and suddenly you go all the way inside, to their soul, and you both know instantly. (angela说的多美)

  e8 Strangers in the House

  There are so many different ways to be connected to people. There are the people you feel this unspoken connection to, even though there"s not even a word for it. There"s the people who you"ve known forever who know you in this way that other people can"t because they"ve seen you change.

  e9 Halloween

  e10 Other People"s Mothers

  e11 Life of Brian (one of my favourite episodes)

  e12 Self-Esteem

  e13 Pressure

  e14 On the Wagon

  e15 So-Called Angels (我看过的剧最压抑的圣诞集 泪奔 无解)

  e16 Resolutions (tell me the way out, 为rickie心碎)

  e17 Betrayal

  I loved Jordan Catalano so much, and talked about him so much, and thought about him so much, it was like he lived inside me. Like he had taken possession of my soul, or something.(angela 的声音有种穿透力,脑子里天天回放这段声音 控制不住的 like he was living inside me)

  You lost nothing,Angela, You lost nothing. you lost a lousy,selfish friend and a guy you never really had, you lost nothing. I lost a really good friend. I lost everything. (为rayanee心疼。 我最好的朋友,我唯一的朋友)

  e18 Weekend

  e19 In Dreams Begin Responsibilities (one of my favourite episodes, the ending)

  Dear Angela, I know in the past I"ve caused you pain and I"m sorry. And I"ll always be sorry "till the day I die. And I hate this pen I"m holding because I should be holding you. I hate this paper under my hand because it isn"t you. I even hate this letter because it"s not the whole truth. Because the whole truth is so much more than a letter can even say. If you want to hate me, go ahead. If you want to burn this letter, do it. You could burn the whole world down. You could tell me to go to hell; I"d go, if you wanted me to. And I"d send you a letter from there. Sincerely, Jordan Catalano. (brian 的信 哭~)






  我爱她凝神的样子 她也有很多缺点 很多无奈 很多不解 很多自卑感很多猜疑 很多烦恼 爱Jordon Catalono 值得吗?还是一直在身边的 Brian 其实她肯定不会选B 青春就是活在梦中 只要有希望 就是幸福 无需伤春悲秋念念不平 那个人不是如此?但她是如此真实 她讲话的语气 叉腰的样子 柔顺的长短发 红发 独白 是你 记得那天夜晚你在逆光的街道中的转身 很美


  蓬乱的卷发 便是这样一个可怜的傻气的邻家乖乖男痛苦忍受这一切的暗恋者的形象 却不得不爱 她多无理 你多容忍 你多自卑 你曾说或许要等心仪的壁纸下价 你在等 却终究可能换不来 期望的 没有允诺的


  你瞪大了眼偶而认真的神情 你左颊上的痣 你每天更换的新奇古怪的发型 你宽大不合身的衣服 你大摇大摆却异常潇洒地走路姿势 吐字不清晰 时常戏谑的语气 你酗酒 你嗑药 你挑逗 你放纵 你欺骗 你风流 你似乎不在乎任何事 但我也未走进过你的心


  很多评论都说这部剧如何如何让他们想起了自己的青春。我意识到 我正在经历着这一切 不管好还是坏 这就是生活 。何况 我们 还有一年半的时间要走。我会珍惜。我会记住你们。


  每一集都至少有两条故事线…简单概括就是家庭和学校。最有意思的是 虽然是angla的青春 但家庭故事的重点主要放在爸爸妈妈的生活上。

  你会发现 其实他们的生活矛盾 他们的纠结 他们所面临的本质上都是一样的。这一点就远远甩了其他青春剧好几条街了。仔细想想 其实angla的错误就是爸爸妈妈当年一直在犯的错误 爸爸妈妈犯的错误其实还是当年犯过的。

  所以这就是生活不是吗 只是一直在重复。

  angla常常瞪着眼睛 撩着头发观察 然后想啊想。喜欢他在平安夜对新一年的思考“我不要再想这么多了 可是不想不就浅薄了吗” 这不就是我一直在纠结的吗。

  angla身边的人都很有特点 形象很经典 很有代表性。挑几个我喜欢的

  rain是那种实在单纯的好学生。身上有好学生都有的一些缺点 看不起连几何学都头疼的angla 看不起她和那些狐朋狗友混在一起 甚至有点古板 不够洒脱。但是他很善良啊 会反思自己是不是做的不好 会改正自己 会努力理解别人。孤单的时候 一次次被angla抛弃的时候也实在是让人心疼。

  rayanne那么闹腾 那么不让人省心。但是疯疯癫癫 率真的样子也最让人喜欢。其实玩世不恭的她心思也一直细腻得很。所以这就是所谓的青春期吧 总是会不受控制得小心翼翼 即使表现得这么酷。

  所以她和jordan其实是一样的 jordan对angla妈妈说

  It"s like you think you"re safe or something cause you can just walk away anytime.

  ecause you don"t like need her you don"t need anyone.

  ut the thing you don"t relieve is you are wrong.

  感觉很感动又很心疼 小时候被爸爸家暴 又因为有语言认知障碍一直留级 所以变成这样看起来什么都不在乎的样子 不喜欢计划好 希望一切都顺其自然的样子 所以才这么神秘这么酷 一个完美的青春期男神形象

  rickie就是一个棒呆的人啊。patty对他态度的转变就是我们的转变。虽然画眼线 有同性恋倾向的他总是被人欺负 甚至想到带着枪来学校。但是那么善解人意 与人为善的他 其实不应该受到这样的对待不是嘛。好在他选择做自己。

  所以太喜欢这个剧 喜欢剧里的每一个人

  最后 表白莱托少爷!!!


  我的前五分之一的人生中并没有美剧,不看美剧的原因是没有什么能让自己感同身受的,直到今年才 pick up 了生活大爆炸,外加仔细看了这一部,My so-called life。号称有史以来最经典的青春片,我断断续续地看了大半个学期。其实才五十分钟一集,但是总感觉没法连着看,看完一集就要休息一礼拜,然后再看下一集。

  女儿和父亲的亲近与生疏,朋友之间微妙的关系的变化。喜欢上了一个最不该喜欢的混蛋,却看不到呆呆的另一双看向自己的眼睛。发现自己最崇拜的老师其实并不像自己想象得那么完美,或者在某些方面根本就是个混蛋。互相羡慕对方的家庭,别人的父亲、别人的女儿。一颗痘让人整天都不好了。有时候深陷于自己的想法中,有时候喜欢一个人到好像他就住在自己的灵魂里,过了没多久发现好像自己又没那么痴迷,但随便的一点动静就又让Angela坐上的那辆红色的车 ……我可以说每一集都很精彩吗,Angela 和她父母遥相呼应,还有慢慢响起的独白,Angela偏着的头、倔强的声音和那些让我不知道要+几个10086的想法,我看到了真实的琐碎的跨越文化差异却又 have a perfect connection with me 的生活。

  下面是从MSCL的网站上摘下来的一些剧本台词,当然少了很多。根本摘不完嘛 :(

  episode 1 pilot

  Things were getting to me. Just how people are. How they always expect you to be a certain way, even your best friend.

  chool is a battlefield, for your heart.

  I"m in love. His name is Jordan Catalano. He was left back, twice. Once I almost touched his shoulder in the middle of a pop quiz. He"s always closing his eyes, like it hurts to look at things.

  My parents keep asking how school was. It"s like saying,""How was that drive-by shooting?" You don"t care how it was. You"re lucky to get out alive.

  The cafeteria is the embarrassment capital of the world. It"s like a prison movie.

  episode 2 dancing in the dark

  If Jordan Catalano is nearby, my entire body knows it. Like one of those dogs that point. I"ll keep talking and stuff, but my mind won"t even know what I"m saying. I keep wondering if there"s a term for this.

  Lots of people, they try so hard. They can"t hear the music. Then, they start to feel lost. So they wanna look down. Don"t look down. It will throw you off balance, and you"ll lose your footing. So, look straight ahead, look right into your partner"s eyes, and remember to smile.

  What"s amazing is when you can feel your life going somewhere. Like your life just figured out how to get good. Like, that second.

  We both stopped talking. Part of his sleeve was touching my arm. I don"t know if he knew. Then everything started to seem perfect, for some reason. The feel of his shirt against my elbow. The fact that I still had an elbow. It was the perfect moment for him to kiss me...for him to anything me.

  I have to say that when my father warms something up, it tastes better than when anyone else does.

  You are so beautiful, that it hurts to look at you.

  episode 3 guns and gossip

  Grownups like to tell you where they were when President Kennedy was shot which they all know to the exact second.Which makes me almost jealous. Like I should have something important enough to know where I was when it happened. But I don"t yet.The fact that it was a better time then. When people knew what they were supposed to do. And how to make the world better. Now, nobody knows anything. We know who is popular. That social studies is boring. Or that Brian always has stomach trouble.

  That"s when the change happened. Just like that. Somewhere in those few seconds, I knew my life would never be the same.

  It"s amazing the things you notice. Like the corner of his collar that was coming undone. Like he was from a poor family and couldn"t afford new shirts. That"s all I could see. The whole world was that unravelled piece of fabric.

  episode 4 father figures

  When you"re not sure you trust a person anymore, say a person you really trusted, say your father, you start wishing they"d do something, like, really wrong, just so you could be right about them.

  When someone compliments your parents, there"s, like, nothing to say. It"s like a stun gun to your brain.

  You know how sometimes the last sentence you said, like, echoes in your brain, and it just keeps sounding stupider? And you have to say something else, just to make it stop?

  I didn"t know what I was looking for. Some kind of...proof. Something that would make it make sense for me to hate him.

  What"s really horrible, is being a witness while someone"s parents orders them around. It ruins the conversation.

  episode 5 the zit

  Okay, so I have a zit. I have a zit on my chin. It"s not the end of the world.

  The worst feeling is suddenly realizing that...you don"t measure up. And that in the past, when you thought you did, you were a fool.

  It had become the focus of everything. It was all I could feel, all I could think about. It blotted out the rest of my face, the rest of my life. Like the zit had become...the truth about me.

  ometimes it seems like we"re all living in, like, some kind of prison. And the crime is how much we hate ourselves. It"s good to get really dressed up, once in a while. And admit the truth. That when you really look closely, people are so strange and so complicated that they"re actually...beautiful. Possibly even me.

  episode 6 the substitute

  And I have to say, I don"t think leaving high school is the answer —— I don"t think leaving anything is.——The thing is—— is I kind of admired you.

  episode 7 why Jordan can"t read

  Love...is when you look into someone"s eyes, and suddenly, you go all the way inside...to their soul...and you both know, instantly. I always imagined I would fall in love, nursing a blind soldier. Who was wounded in battle. Or maybe while rescuing someone in the middle of a blizzard, seconds before the avalanche hits. I thought, at least, by the age of fifteen, I would have a love life.But, I don"t even have a "like" life.

  If only there was a button somewhere that I could just push to force me stop talking.

  Huge events take place on this Earth every day.Earthquakes, hurricanes. Even glaciers move. So, why couldn"t he just...look at me?

  episode 8 strangers in the house

  I wanted to hug Sharon, and tell her things, like how awful I felt, but, it was like I, didn"t have the right, because we weren"t friends anymore.

  I"m always doing that, I"m always asking questions I already know the answers to..

  Jordan : Uh huh. So you crying or something?

  Angela : I guess..

  Jordan : How come?

  Angela-VO : "Cause I"m lonely, "cause I have no friends, because I"m a terrible, terrible person.

  Angela : Because my friend"s father is in the hospital, and he could die.

  There"s so many different ways to be connected to people. There are the people you feel this unspoken connection to, even though there"s not even a word for it. There"s the people who you"ve known forever, who know you in this way that other people can"t, because they"ve seen you change....they"ve let you change.

  episode 9 halloween

  When I was little I, like, worshipped Halloween. And truthfully, part of me still does. "Cause it"s your one chance all year to be someone else.

  Does anybody know Jordan Catalano? That question, like, got to me. I mean, I"d had seven conversations with him, and one really bad kiss, and one amazing one. But did I, like, know him?

  When someone dies young, it"s like they stay that way forever, like a vampire.

  episode 10 other people"s daughters

  Each card has a name. The magician [Graham], the Empress [Vivian],The Fool [Danielle], The Wheel of Fortune [an old couple dancing],Strength [Patty]...They represent challenges and tests. [Patty kisses Graham] Twists of fate. [Cut to Rayanne in the hospital. Amber sits by her side, holding her hand.] No card is all good or all bad. Cards can be positive or negative, depending on where they fall. [Cut to Angela sitting in her window reading Amber"s tarot book] When you read someone"s future, they must think of a question. They must hold it in their mind. The cards are read in sequence. Each card leads to the next. We move from terror and loss to unexpected good fortune. And out of darkness, hope is born. [Fade to white]

  episode 11 life of Brian

  I became a yearbook photographer because I liked the idea that I could sort of watch life without having to be a part of it. But when you"re yearbook photographer, you"re like, never in the picture.

  What"s always amazed me, is fishermen. How they wait there forever, when something finally tugs on their line, they like don"t panic. The strange thing is, even though I"ve established verbal communication with Delia Fisher, I still think about Angela. Constantly. Why am I like this? I truly sicken myself. I just have to stop being her little puppet; I vow to never again show up at Angela"s door with some lame excuse.

  There"s something about my life. It"s just automatically true that nothing actually happens. Somewhere far away there was a car alarm. One of those really annoying ones. But suddenly, it was the best sound I"d ever heard. So maybe this is what people mean when they talk about, you know -- life.

  Jordan :So my feeling is, whatever happens, happens.

  Her hair smelled incredible. Her hair smelled like the orange grove we passed when I was eight on the way to see my grandmother. But I guess that"s just her shampoo. Or something.

  episode 12 self-esteem

  You know you like her -- would it kill you to admit it, maybe treat her halfway decent? Because you know, she deserves it. And she"s not gonna wait around for you forever.

  -Is she a goddess? Physically perfect? The kind of girl who -- uh -- stops traffic? When she walks down the street?


  -So he"s -- not in love with her?

  -Yeah. He is.

  -Well, why is that? Why is he in love with her? What is it ? What is it about her ?

  -She"s not just a fantasy. She"s got like -- flaws. She"s real.

  Well, I mean, come on, I"m a teacher. How do you expect me to react to a ridiculous statement like that -- you don"t join things? Who are you, Groucho Marx -- you"d never belong to any club that would have you as a member?No-nobody should -- hate who they are.

  episode 13 pressure

  I couldn"t stop thinking about it. The like fact that -- that people -- had sex. That they just *had* it, likesex was this thing people -- *had*, like a rash. Or a -- a rottweiler. Everything started to seem like, pornographic or something. Like, Mrs. Krysanowski has sex. So does Mr. Katimsky. They both have sex. They could -- have sex together. Like right now. I am, like, the *sickest* person.

  ut maybe it shouldn"t be. So simple. I mean, not that I know -- I know what I"m talking about, or anything, since I"ve never, you know, experienced this, or what have you. But even if I did meet the perfect person, I just think that it should be like a miracle, like seeing a comet -- or just feeling like you"re seeing one. Seeing the other person"s perfectness -- or something. And if you do it before you"re ready, how are you going to see all that? Not that I would like know, or anything.

  ometimes someone says something really small, and it just fits right into this empty place in your heart.

  eople always say you should be yourself, like yourself is this definite thing, like a toaster, or something. Like you can know what it is, even. But every so often, I"ll have like -- a moment, where being myself, and my life right where I am is, like, enough.

  episode 14 on the wagon

  Rayanne : You and Rickie looking at me like I"m gonna lose control, like any minute I"m gonna go on some jag or something. I just can"t stand knowing what you"re thinking about me.

  Angela : What? What am I thinking?

  Rayanne : I"m messed up. That I"m too messed up for you to be my friend anymore.

  Angela : Rayanne, that"s not true. I never-- I"m still your friend. Nothing"s changed.

  AngelaVO: But that wasn"t completely true either. And we both, like, knew it.

  episode 15 so-called angels

  atty : Were we wrong? Down there about Rickie?

  Graham : No, we weren"t wrong.

  atty : I mean, what do we really know about that boy, you know?

  Graham : Virtually nothing.

  atty : We"ve never met his family, I mean, how on earth are we supposed to know what, you know -- what the situation is?

  Graham : I know, honey. Except -- I think he does make you - you kind of uncomfortable.

  atty : What do you mean -- be-because he wears makeup?

  Graham : No, I"m just saying -- what if that was Brian Krakow with that bruise on his face?

  atty : W --

  Graham : Well, that"d be a different story, wouldn"t it?

  atty : Graham -- you can"t compare them. I mean -- I"ve known Brian Krakow since he was five years old.

  Graham : I know. So have I. Now all I"m asking is -- should that make a difference?

  atty : Well, maybe not. But it does.

  Graham : I know.

  Angela : I want to bring Rickie and that girl over here for Christmas Eve dinner. That"s right, I didn"t even tell you about her. Mom, this girl has the most amazing voice. Seriously, wait till --

  atty : Angela., listen. You cannot -- go back to that place.

  Angela : How do you know about that place?

  atty : Sweetie, look --

  Angela : Don"t, Mom.

  atty : We had to do something. We couldn"t just --

  Angela : I can"t believe this. What did you do?

  atty : Your father and I -- overheard you and Brian talking, and --

  Angela : Oh, my God, you didn"t -- did you call the police or something?

  atty : Angela --

  Angela : Mom, don"t you realize, we have to do something. We have to warn them --

  atty : Angela, listen to me. You are not going back to that place. This is a serious matter.

  Angela : I know that! Why do you speak like this to me, like I"m a child?

  atty : This girl, whoever she is, has serious problems!

  Angela : you haven"t even talked to her! I"ve talked to her. This girl -- she could be me.

  atty : Oh, don"t say that! She couldn"t be you. How can you say that?

  Angela : Because it"s true. [long pause] Fine. I"ll put back the extra plates.

  episode 16 resolutions

  Angela : "What I was thinking, as like a New Year"s resolution, is to stop getting so caught up in my own thoughts, "cause I"m like way too introspective...I think."

  haron : "I resolve to never again have sex with Kyle, or anyone, again, unless I really love and respect them."

  Kyle : "..to spend more time with the dog, and Sharon."

  Katimski : "..um, give up coffee, there, that"s an easy one."

  rian : "I resolve, to stop obsessing, over Angela Chase."

  Danielle : "..to badger Mom into letting me wear make-up."

  Rickie : "..to find some place where I like really, belong."

  Angela : "..but what if not thinking turns me into this shallow person? I better rethink this becoming less introspective thing."

  Rayanne : "..to stop drinking, but this time, like, really stop."

  atty : "I resolve to be less judgmental, less critical, to lighten up! and above all, to be more supportive, and less suspicious, no matter how much it seems like he"s hiding something."

  Graham : "..to tell Hallie Lowenthal once and for all that I"m not going into restaurant business with her...and to stop all those long talks with her after class."

  Jordan : "Wait a second, isn"t tonight, New Year"s Eve?

  Angela : "..okay, so I"ll stay introspective, but I do resolve to stop doing Jordan Catalano homework."

  Angela : "The thing about resolutions is, it"s hard to remember them around somebody like Jordan Catalano."

  episode 17 betrayal

  I loved Jordan Catalano so much, and talked about him so much, and thought about him so much, it was like he lived inside me. Like he had taken possession of my soul, or something. And then one day...I got over him! It was like Jordan Catalano had been surgically removed from my heart. And I was free!

  ometimes it"s like I really think I know her. And then it"ll be like, like we"re total strangers.

  What did you lose? You lost a lousy, selfish friend and a guy you never really had! You lost nothing! I lost a very good friend, I lost everything.

  episode 18 weekend

  My whole life, is waiting for something to happen.It"s so easy to listen in on grownups" conversations. You just act like you"re playing some boring game. It"s truly amazing. I have the power to be invisible.My life is different people kicking me out of different rooms.

  atty : Have you been here your whole life?

  Warren : Not yet.

  episode 19 in dreams begin responsibilities

  I"m not sure. With Tony, it was, it was crazy. We really did some pretty crazy and wild things back then. [Angela smirks] I did!

  What can I say? But, uh, it"s always tempting to lose yourself with someone, who"s maybe lost themselves. But eventually, you want reality.

  I did an undefendable thing. I created my own prison. And I have to exist in it. Maybe I had a...wish, or whatever. To punish you. An unconscious wish. You"ve heard of them, right?

  rian : Boy, she really likes you.

  Rickie : I can"t even believe it. I mean, it"s such, like, an unfamiliar experience. I mean, do you realize, how much easier my life would be...if I could just like her back? I mean, Brian, this could be my chance. To be straight.

  Dear Angela,

  I know in the past I"ve caused you pain, and I"m sorry. And I"ll always be sorry, "til the day I die. And I hate this pen I"m holding, because I should be holding you. I hate this paper under my hand, because it isn"t you. I even hate this letter, because it"s not the whole truth. Because the whole truth is...so much more than a letter can even say. If you wanna hate me, go ahead. If you wanna burn this letter, do it. You could burn the whole world down. You could tell me to go to hell -- I"d go, if you wanted me to. And I"d send you a letter from there.


  Jordan Catalano

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